My First Knock Back

The First Knock Back from a Publisher…but is it?

I had my first knock back today from Harper Impulse online publisher.  They said my manuscript had an interesting premise but that the story and characters need further development.  At this time they will not be taking my manuscript further. They also said I should definitely keep writing.  So how do I take this?

Well Looking on the positive side my story has an ‘interesting premise’ and they think I should keep writing.  Looking into the negatives that my characters and story needs more development.  They are right and I completely agree, this first book is a taster sized portion of these wonderful characters. I plan on expanding and going deeper into their stories by producing some novella’s or by producing some books with maybe just two characters.  As my editor said yesterday Book One is really Part One, Part Two has been written and Part Three is on its way.

So thanks Harper Impulse for the feedback I am taking this all in a positive light as I agree with all of your comments whole heartedly!  If there was something in this email that I didn’t already know. Then I would be feeling very differently I’m sure but right now I’m pretty chuffed!

So since submitting my manuscript in October I have had two email correspondence from publishers. One who wants to read more and one who doesn’t. I’ll take a fifty percent success rate! The other three publishers have yet to respond, bring it on! If I get similar comments from the other three I will of course revise my manuscript. Right now I’m still happy with it.

My book Sharks & Lovers is available to download here:

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