Sexual Liberation

This beautiful woman having suffered an awful sexual assault and then depriving her husband of sex because of her trauma has just bought two vibrators in a bid to learn to love herself.

‘Vibrators are too expensive!’ She said

‘$10’ I said

‘What if I die and my children find it?’

‘They will think ‘good on you mum!’

Ten minutes later she came back with the bag, ‘I got two!’

There is nothing wrong with self love, in fact that is where it needs to start!

I love empowering women.

Sexpo Exchange that Matters

Liberating Exchanges

Within the intimate walls of a Sexpo Exhibition nothing is controversial and exchange matters, eyes are not down looking at phones they are wide open watching and searching.  The exchange of energy between people not sex but friendship, a common interest and an attainable goal is apparent; happiness.  Obviously sex is the subject we hear from sound but it is expelled from the lips of liberation.

‘There’s nothing wrong with self-love!’