Cover to Cover

The Front Cover

I’m sure I could do hours of research and spend lots of money and time on finding the best colours, fonts and design.  That is a designers job, however I am a writer and writers have to go with their instinct, rightly or wrongly.  So here is my first proof of a front cover, when I saw it something said yes to me.  I’m sure it will change slightly but right now I’m happy.  For anyone wanting to have a go at a front cover or even just customising photo’s I used and it was very easy!

front cover proof one

My book Sharks & Lovers is available to download here:

Amazon       Kobo       iTunes

Ready to Roll

My Book is Ready

Finally after a year of Synchronicity, Submission and Skinny Dipping I am ready for my book to be published.  It is quite a strange feeling I don’t mind admitting.  I have had some very good advice from people that have already had a sneak peak and I thank them all enormously.  I have edited the content so many times but last weekend I picked up my working copy and realised I was trying to improve a sentence that was actually ok to begin with.  I am not Jane Austen however romantic my notions and my book is not a  masterpiece. However if it makes anyone smile, smirk, laugh, cry or even just wiggle with the uncomfortable truth I know I did my job well.

My book Sharks & Lovers is available to download here:

Amazon       Kobo       iTunes

Dark Inspiration

Harold Pinter and his Dark World

When I picked up The Home Coming from my book shelf it was actually to show a client how their work would look in print.  It was just the number of words, not the content that was similar. Sometimes hard copy can be inspiring when your work seems only ever to be on the computer screen.

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Writing Book Three – Harry’s Back!

Writing the Next Book

I woke up at 3am. Laying in the dark my tired brain started blaming me for all the wrongs; mine, yours and everyone else’s. Then rolling over I start worrying about all the could be’s And shouldn’t be’s and maybe’s.

‘Sod this Darling!’ Harry said

He carried me up the stairs in his strong arms and plonked me down in the chair. He opened my laptop and we started to chat as I started to write. I was so pleased he was back.  I thought about apologising for not giving him a voice in the last book but I knew he would just tell me to shut up so I let my fingers do the talking.

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Why are You Writing?

In 2013 we emigrated to Australia, I fell in love with this beautiful country when I travelled around it in 2002 so I was truly exhilarated to be bringing my family back. The space, beaches, warmth and landscapes were some of the things I couldn’t wait to show my children. Three months later the company that had sponsored us made my husband redundant, luckily within two weeks he had three job offers but he still had to spend the next year climbing back up the greasy pole. Six months later I found myself in a radiology lab being scanned to see what the growth was in my throat. I had been on antibiotics for two months and surgery was looming. Was it cancer?

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Getting the First Draft Down


Let It Go, Let it Flow – The only way to get the first Draft

Everyone has their own methods of writing a first draft and the great news is there is no wrong way! You can map out your chapters if you have a particular plot in mind or perhaps you are writing a non-fiction and have a list of exactly what you want to explore. Even with non-fiction you still need to let it flow.  Perhaps a particular topic or character just won’t stop talking, that’s ok, let it all out!

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The Second Chapter

The Second Chapter of Book One

So I have decided to post the second chapter of my first book here, why not the first chapter? I hear you say.  Well some of my content is not for little ears and I happen to know that some of my followers are younger than the age range I would pitch my book to.  Anyway it’s also a good reason for you to comment below and I will be more than happy to email you the first chapter for free!

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Producing a Piece of Writing from a Transcript

Fiction is definitely my love, I am an escape artist of epic proportion.  However I am starting to enjoy factual writing and even transcribing.  My client recently asked me to record and then transcribe a conversation with his dying brother.  I knew this would be hard.  I carry with me at all times a big bubble of emotion but that had no place in this situation I had to be in control, professional and then I had to do my job. Continue reading