Dracula on Netflix

Dracula on Netflix

The BBC adaption of Dracula on Netflix is a fantastic example of dry, witty humour. Sharp and intelligent the Nun makes a mockery of the now seemingly silly Dracula.

“I’m just another woman trapped in a loveless marriage trying to keep a roof over my head” said the Nun to Dracula upon her failing faith.

Monsters and vampires do not exist!  However quite possibly worse are the many people who can drain the life out of you. Dracula’s, manipulators, ar$eh@les whatever you want to call them definitely do exist. Wether they are conscious of their behaviour or not, it can sometimes be all too easy to get sucked into their drama.  Just like Dracula the drama is normally fictitious and will drag you down just quick enough for them to sink their teeth in!

Learning not to be reactive is a life long pursuit but recognising our reactions and emotions can be easier.  Learning not to dance with the devil or flirt with a blood sucker can be as simple as that.

Another great quote on this subject that I came by this week;

‘You can’t be diagnosed with depression if you are surrounded by ar$eh@les’

It took me by surprise as the professional in question was not addressing myself, I felt like I was eavesdropping. Sometimes we can let our mood be driven not by our own thoughts and emotions but by those pressed upon us by media or conversation, friends and relatives. 

I hope the ar$eh@les and Dracula’s are busy sleeping in their coffins as you go about your business today! If you find them swooping past hoping for a bite then quickly change your behaviour.  You are in control or your  thoughts, emotions and actions.

Read more about my experience with a bat in my kitchen by clicking here