I’m Not Your Adventure!

“I’m not your Adventure”

I love this line from Transparent which I have been binging on recently. 

Families are always a wonderful emotional hook for readers, watchers and listeners! Transparent  is such a great piece of writing and at its core displays the amazing glue of a very ‘dysfunctional’ (sorry, I’ve never met a completely functional) family. Being a parent is an adventure all of it’s own but sometimes can feel like climbing Everest.  Like life you just thing everything is running smoothly and then bang there’s a bump in the road that you have to try to swerve to avoid. Most adventures start with a yearning to change, learn and explore that propel you in directions that not everyone would chose but I agree with this quote, find your own adventure.

Transparent gives me hope that one day my children will laugh about the state of our family and all the mistakes as parents we have made. The old saying of ‘there’s no handbook’ can’t be said because there are so many bloody handbooks but not necessarily ones that You agree with! It’s like any research you have to skim through and find the stuff that helps and you can relate to. As parents we have to rely on our gut feelings and what our parents have taught us, it’s not easy and I don’t think anyone goes into childbirth thinking this adventure is going to last more than 50 years!

The unconditional love that comes from a being a parent is amazingly nurturing and that includes fur babies. Love makes any adventure worth while.

If you want me to be your adventure through reading my exploits that fine, it’s why I write. However I would definitely promote finding your own way of expression it will create the adventure you desire.

Darwin Flight