Abundance Meditation


Three weeks ago I started The Deepak Chopra 21 Day Abundance Meditation course, I was invited by an acquaintance on a Facebook ‘single parents’ group, (definitely a subject for another post). The previous day I had started to go through the shed, so much of my personal belongings were put out into storage whilst we Airbnb’d the house last year. It was time to reacquaint myself with treasures of the past.  I found my jewellery box that my Nan bought me when I was a child.  The inscription in the mirror read ‘Treasure the Beauty That Surrounds Us’. 


Day one of Deepak Chopra’s Abundance meditation reflected exactly the same sentiment as my Nans jewellery box. “Today I behold all of the abundance that surrounds me”.  At the end of the first day of meditation and abundance awareness I received the refund from the flights I had booked to go to England. I had mentally written off this cash, a huge expense that maybe this single mum should not have contemplated in the first place! It was such a surprise to see that money returned (‘to its infinite source’, DC) it was a reminder to myself that yes I should always trust my instincts and go for what I want. The universe will supply.

Walking in nature and enjoying the little things in life is such an easy remedy to stress and whilst in lockdown our one walk a day is a sanctuary of normal. It has been too easy  lately not to enjoy the walk but to see it as a chore or enforced exercise so thanks Deepak for the reminder! Abundance is never too far away, an abundant greeting is so welcome. Gardening and enjoying nature, an abundance of love cuddling the children and our dog on the sofa, all great ways to fill up the empty emotional pot. Some how the six seater sofa is always overflowing with abundance with everyone vying for the best spot!


Deepak’s voice greets me in the morning on my veranda or sometimes in bed at night or after the kids have finished their home schooling in the middle of the day. It’s always a joy to hear his smooth hypnotic voice that tells me to ‘go within’ and contemplate abundance.

Although I’ve rarely sat crossed legged repeating Sanskrit mantras I do believe I meditate every week. Surrounding myself with nature and concentrating my thoughts, in the bath with my seven thank you’s. Visually projecting rainbows into the universe, I don’t know where I got this one from, My Little Pony I think! Suffice to say I think we all have our own version of meditation. There’s no right way or wrong way.

Deepak’s meditation takes you deep and half way through the course I have a realisation about my love of psychology. Just because I’m comfortable ‘going within’ doesn’t necessarily mean everyone else is! I also start to appreciate the small things around me, I find a sense of purpose in the gardeb instead of feeling overwhelmed by it.   I start a new writing project.

‘Know Thyself’ is not for everyone and can be just as difficult as training for a marathon. Meditation requires you to go within. However whilst you are there and find peace it is up to you what you do with it and how proactive you want to be with that peace. Surely sitting quietly within yourself is just as important as meditating on world healing.

Now that I have finished the course listening to Deepak or meditating on some of the Sanskrit mantra’s is a joy.  It was well worth creating a new healthy daily habit and if you have the urge to Go Within, I can truly recommend Deepak Chopra as your guide.