
This quote about aging came to me yesterday on good old facebook and after a morning on my cross-trainer and realising I’m definitely not as young as I used to be (obviously). I was wondering how I got to 45 when 40 seemed only a few years ago and then I remembered good Ol’ lockdown was in the middle for two years.

I am however enjoying the aging process; my tummy might be slightly bigger than it was twenty years ago but so are my boobs! There’s always a silver lining. My frown lines might be a little deeper but so are my thoughts and kindness towards others. I have an understanding and much more empathy for my fellow human than I did in my twenties.  I have a lot less questions now also which brings more happiness, my laughter lines are pretty permanent however the smile that precedes is never far away and always willing to give.

Aging is an extraordinary process, and we are privileged to experience it.